DriverCure is the fast and easy-to-use driver tool for solving all your driver problems. Your PC's drivers are more sensitive to changes than you think. Even a simple windows updates can throw your systems off and DriverCure is the answer when it comes to properly fixing and updating drives for your PC. DriverCure is one of Internet's top three software products that provide automated driver updates, practically at the wink of an eye.
- First download DriverCure with patch using the link provided below and install it. Now go to the 'Patch' folder and apply the patch. If it does not find the file, it will ask to search. Locate the file and apply the patch.
- Next, looking at the DriverCure application, on the left pane, you'll notice a scan button, which will be selected by default, giving you the option to run a scan right away. Simply click on the green button and you'll see the application run very quickly.
- Once you run the scan, the program will give you a list of drivers that need attention on your system, you need to select which of these devices and applications you want to update, also there are a few options here and one or two caveats to mention.
- The first time you run the program you'll notice that there are quite a few instances of your pc drivers that need updating. DriverCure is very fast and thorough when it scans, so it will pick up a lot of discrepancies, including needed application updates.
- Your driver problems are now ready to be gone, when you hit the "Next" button this will take you to the download section where each of your selected driver updates begin to download and install. How fast the updates download and install will also depend on your Internet connection. Obviously if you're over dial up, this may be painful.
- Back to the caveat I mentioned earlier. There may be certain applications or devices that you never want updated. DriverCure can ignore any devices and applications that you select. These are obviously special circumstances but the option is there for you. The ignore list can be easily updated at any time.